Phillips optimistic despite FSU, Clemson suits

  • Andrea Adelson, ESPN Senior WriterMay 15, 2024, 01:41 PM ET


    • ACC reporter.
    • Signed up with in 2010.
    • Graduate of the University of Florida.AMELIA ISLAND, Fla.–

ACC commissioner Jim Phillips said Wednesday the pending lawsuits with Florida State and Clemson is” disruptive”and “harmful” but it has actually not altered the dynamic between them as the league wrapped up 3 days of meetings.Phillips and league

representatives, including athletic directors, football coaches and men’s and women’s basketball coaches satisfied to go over a big list of topics– consisting of a possible settlement in the House vs. NCAA case, CFP expansion, earnings circulation and altering the perception around the league.But with Florida

State, Clemson and the ACC engaged in lawsuits versus each other over the league’s withdrawal charge and grant of rights, unpredictability continues to hang around the league as it charts a new course with three brand-new members taking part the fall. Cal, Stanford and SMU also took part in the league meetings.Phillips acknowledged what remains ongoing with Clemson and Florida State, saying

,”It’s challenging, it’s disruptive, it’s damaging but that’s the world we live in. It hasn’t changed one iota about how we have actually engaged with them and it shouldn’t. “It must be kept in mind Clemson and Florida State were complete individuals in the meetings over the past 3 days. Florida State athletic director Michael Alford said Tuesday the meetings were “cordial. “When asked if their future in the league might be restored, Alford stated, “We’ll just wait for that to play out.”Asked the exact same concern Wednesday about salvaging a future with Florida State and Clemson in the league

, Phillips said,”You need to remain positive, and you resolve these things. I do not know where it’s going to go. However I will continue to stay optimistic about our league … and I won’t ever change till somebody else tells me differently. Am I going to fight and protect the ACC? Absolutely. I have to do that. That’s my duty. So we’ll see where it goes. “Clemson and Florida State have particularly pointed to a mounting revenue space with the Big 10 and SEC as reasons their future in

the league is illogical. However Phillips said the ACC has worked to address those concerns, including complete circulation of the ACC Network and success efforts that reward on-field success. “If we’re going after cash, then we’re going after cash,”Phillips stated.”But I think we’re likewise attempting to go after success. Therefore if it’s just a cash issue, which no

one can show me that money corresponds success, you can maybe show me some examples, but I can reveal you some examples also, where schools have done really well on the national scene with some less earnings.”That revenue space will grow even more in the expanded 12-team CFP, with the SEC and Big Ten set to make a bigger share of that earnings pie. North Carolina coach Mack Brown said Tuesday he was”

dissatisfied “that cash will not be similarly distributed.Phillips said Wednesday when the last breakdown was made over CFP looks, the ACC was slotted in 17 to 18%.” I seemed like I worked out hard, similar to every conference did and we got to a location that at the end of the day, ‘Do you love it

?’You don’t enjoy it, however it certainly was much better than where we began, and it’s more than we have actually ever had relative to CFP dollars. But I once again comprehend it causes even a higher space.”Phillips stated it was essential to get more than one team into the CFP, and attended to attempting to alter the perception surrounding the method the league has actually carried out in football.”We need to attempt to change that, and we’re identified to do that, “he said.As for the settlement talks in House vs. NCAA, Phillips stated he might not get into specifics because too many unknowns stay about what the final dollars will appear like. However the ACC presidents and chancellors will meet next week in Charlotte, North Carolina, for their spring meetings to go over

the concern further.He also kept in mind that the league has actually been able to find success throughout the board, with 5 national titles up until now in this sports season, and does not desire that to get overshadowed with what is playing out in courtrooms throughout three states.”These cases are going to take a bit,”Phillips stated.” We’ll have to work through them. We

have 10,000 trainee professional athletes that are actually succeeding that are performing at the highest level. I hope that we do not lose sight of while all this is going on, the conference continues to do truly well. We’ll handle what we have to handle. “

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