De Laura, Latu settle sex assault match from H

HONOLULU– Arizona quarterback Jayden de Laura and Wisconsin security Kamo’i Latu have settled a suit submitted by a woman who stated the 2 sexually attacked her in 2018 after a football game at their Hawaii high school.According to a Hawaii circuit court document submitted this week, Latu and de Laura reached a settlement with the lady after a mediation procedure. The quantity of the settlement wasn’t disclosed.According to the civil problem, the female stated Latu and de Laura attacked her in October 2018 on the campus of Saint Louis School, where Latu and de Laura played on the football team. Both players and the woman were minors at the time.The civil problem states Latu and de Laura pleaded guilty to second-degree

sexual attack in family court and needed to compose letters of apology to the lady, however neither received jail time. The woman then submitted the claim in December 2021. Both de Laura and Latu were beginners last season.After playing two seasons at Washington State, de Laura moved to Arizona

and finished 62.5%of his passes for 3,685 yards with 25 goals and 13 interceptions. He ranked third in the Pac-12 in backyards passing per game(307.1 ). Latu invested two seasons at Utah prior to transferring to Wisconsin. He began 12 games for Wisconsin last season and had 55 tackles with two sacks and 2 interceptions.In a statement later Thursday, Wisconsin said it was not knowledgeable about the claims when Latu initially enrolled at the school and only learnt about the civil suit last fall.

He will stay on the team, the school stated.” Based on the details available to the UW-Madison Workplace of Legal Affairs and UW Athletics authorities, the matter being reported that included Latu prior to his time as a college

trainee does not breach the UW Sports Student-Athlete Discipline Policy, university misbehavior policies, or reporting or disclosure requirements,”the school stated.” Latu stays a member of the Wisconsin football team.”Arizona didn’t instantly react to demand from ESPN for comment.Information from The Associated Press was used in this report.

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